Lomo Fisheye

Lomo Fisheye

Lomo Fisheye Get close. Closer. You’re going to really need to get up in someone’s face with this camera for them to come out interesting. And make sure it’s bright. Get yourself a ringflash because the onboard flash stinks and the lens will just end...
Benz-Gant Helioflex 3000T

Benz-Gant Helioflex 3000T

Benz-Gant Helioflex 3000T $5 Camera that takes faux panoramic shots. You get what you pay for. Unless you overpaid, then you got ripped...


Recesky Twin Lens Camera Kit When you build the camera, the photos are so much more satisfying. This DIY camera kit pretty much comes packed as a workable model. The kit comes with everything you need except film and patience. It is a nice way to see the inner...